Playful Technology Limited

Playful Technology Limited

Welcome to Playful Technology Limited, the data science consultancy of Dr Peter J Bleackley. Playful Technology Limited enables innovation by providing Research and Development consulting services in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

Contact us for rates and availability.

    Category: Key Algorithms

  1. Transformers

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  2. The Attention Mechanism

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  3. Recurrent Neural Networks

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  4. Convolutional Networks

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  5. Transfer Learning

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  6. Activation Functions

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  7. Multi Layer Perceptron

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  8. Imputation

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  9. Graph Search Algorithms

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in
  10. Priority Queues

    @Dr Peter J Bleackley in

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