Playful Technology Limited

Playful Technology Limited will at all times and in all its business dealings comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation

Any information disclosed to Playful Technology Limited, whether by email, a web form, or any other method of communication, shall be held as confidential between Playful Technology Limited and the disclosing party, and shall not be made available to any third party, unless consent to do so has explicitly been given by the disclosing party. or there is a legal requirement to do so under the law of the England and Wales.

The data will only be used for purposes to which the disclosing party has consented. All reasonable efforts will be made to keep the data secure, and it will be deleted if the disclosing party requests.

Playful Technology Limited does not use cookies on its website, but does make use of a number of third party services which may. These are

You are advised to consult their privacy policies.